5 Surprising Everyday Items That Cause Breakouts

We've all been there - you think you're doing everything right with your skincare routine, but those pesky breakouts just keep popping up. Ugh, so frustrating! While factors like hormones, diet, and genetics play a role, sometimes the culprits behind those zits are hiding in plain sight. 

That's right, certain unsuspecting everyday items could be sabotaging your quest for clearer skin. Let's unmask these surprise habits and items that could be causing breakouts!

1. Your Trusty Cellphone

Joined at the hip (or rather, hand) with your phone? Guilty as charged. But here's the icky truth: our phones are constantly coming into contact with our hands and face, transferring all sorts of bacteria and grime. Buildup of oil, makeup, and sweat creates a cosy little environment for acne-causing bacteria to thrive - ew!

So what's a phone addict to do? 

First off, get into the habit of regularly wiping down your device with sanitising wipes. And when possible, opt for headphones or speakerphone during calls to minimise skin contact. Your skin will thank you!

2. That Pillowcase You've Been Neglecting

Be honest, when was the last time you swapped out your pillowcase? If you can't remember, it's definitely been too long. Over time, pillowcases become a hotbed for dead skin cells, oils, and residue from hair products. Snoozing on a grimy pillowcase night after night transfers all that gunk right back onto your skin, clogging pores and triggering breakouts. Not cool.

To keep your pillow game clean, aim to change your pillowcase at least once a week (more often if you have oily skin or sweat a lot at night). Or better yet, upgrade to a luxe silk pillowcase - not only do they feel amazing, but silk is less irritating for sensitive skin. You can also opt for a dedicated beauty pillowcase to minimise contact with hair product residue.

3. Your Favorite Hair Products

Those heavy-duty styling products might be great for taming your mane, but they could be wreaking havoc on your skin. Gels, waxes, and other rich formulas can seep onto your face, especially along the hairline and forehead. Comedogenic ingredients in these products can clog pores faster than you can say "bad hair day," leading to an unwelcome crop of pimples.

To keep breakouts at bay, always wash your face after applying hair products. Look for formulas labeled "non-comedogenic" - they're less likely to cause problems. When possible, keep your hair off your face while you sleep. You might even consider switching up your style - constant contact from bangs or fringe can be a breakout waiting to happen.

4. Frequent Contact from Hats & Sunnies

Sure, sunglasses and hats are summertime staples, but they could also be your skin's worst enemy. The areas where your shades or hat rest against your skin create a cozy little pocket for sweat and debris to gather. Friction and pressure from these accessories can further irritate skin, turning minor breakouts into a full-blown disaster zone. Noooo!

Keep your sunglasses and skin happy by regularly cleaning the frames. Toss your hats in the wash frequently, paying special attention to the sweatband. When hat shopping, opt for breathable materials to minimise sweat-trapping. 

And don't forget to cleanse with a salicylic acid cleanser to keep oils and acne in check. Our favourite one comes from Murad; just use a few times a week instead of your usual cleanser for a quick, no-fuss way to keep acne at bay. 

5. That Trusty Towel You Use on Your Body AND Face

We all know that good hygiene is key for fighting acne, but using the same towel on your body and face is a major skincare sin. Even if you've just cleansed your skin, rubbing it with a used body towel can transfer a whole host of acne-causing bacteria, undoing all your hard work. Talk about counterproductive!

The solution? Dedicate a clean, fresh towel solely for patting your face dry post-cleanse. Make sure you're allowing towels to dry completely between uses, as damp environments are a breeding ground for bacteria. 

For an extra hygiene boost, consider investing in some bamboo face towels or any kind of soft disposable towels to pat your face dry after cleansing; they're ultra-gentle and single-use. These hygienic towels don't reintroduce bacteria back to your skin, reducing chances of acne and supporting a healthy moisture barrier. 

Addressing Breakouts: The Bottom Line

So there you have it - five sneaky sources of breakouts that might be lurking in your everyday life. By being mindful of these hidden triggers and making a few simple swaps, you'll be well on your way to clearer, happier skin. 

But remember, even the most diligent skincare professionals still gets a zit now and then. The most important thing is not to get discouraged - just keep calm and cleanse on!

The journey to clear skin isn't simply just applying the right skincare - it takes a holistic approach that examines your beauty habits! 

For more tips on tackling breakouts and achieving your best skin ever, check out our ultimate guide to understanding and treating acne and learn all about the benefits of salicylic acid cleansers for keeping pores clear. 

And if pesky post-breakout marks are your problem, we've got you covered with advice on how to fade acne scars for a more even complexion.

Alexis Adrienne

알렉시스 아드리엔느

Alexis Adrienne은 10년 이상의 경력을 가진 열정적인 뷰티 작가입니다. 그녀는 항상 최신 글로벌 뷰티 트렌드의 맥박을 손가락 끝으로 스킨 케어, 메이크업 및 화장품에 관한 모든 것에 매우 열심입니다.

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